Saturday, September 19, 2009


What is Authenticity?

This is a truly amazing interview on the topic of design, and authenticity.



Simple Room Accents

Designing the interior of a small room can be one of the most self loathing process' one can undertake. Visiting showrooms can trick you into thinking its an easy task but its all a lie with perfectly placed outlets and proper flooring and of course, budget..... There are plenty of articles on how to decorate a small space, and here is another. My take is to keep it cheap, the only thing you should really spend money on is paint and maybe textiles. Thrift stores are a perfect place to buy things like mirrors or art. My opinion is simplicity is the key. Keep things clean rather and choose smooth objects that will not attract a lot of dust. Decor should be kept to a minimum, a statement art picture and a designer light source, such as my attached example. They come from designer interior thing for showtime studios for some kind of tv thing, i am not sure but I enjoy the use of wall pattern and clutter free environment.

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