Monday, May 31, 2010


USB Socket

it exists, you can buy it for $20 and it is made in the USA! Every room should have a socket with a USB port, it reduces those unsightly wall warts.

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Glow in The Dark Fibers

What you are looking at is transformative textiles, meaning there are glow in the dark fibers used giving off two patterns, one day time and one invisible until night. This pattern created by artist Kathy Schicker is stunning. Imagine it used in a restaurant club, creating a unique day and night environment. I would use it in my hallway.... Ms Schicker does amazing work glow in the dark illuminating textiles.

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Decanter Lights

Need some new light treatments for your gentleman's parlor? These decanter lights are an amazing idea to style up and give any room that much needed design detail. I find lighting can be any rooms downfall, most people just don't know what to do. Which is strange since it is going to be the brightest thing, that or they chose some horrific thing from ikea. Pictured are designer, Lee Broom original pieces however one could easily rig something and use the piece to inspire a wonderful lighting idea for any room.

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Room With A View 1

What a perfect room. Simple, interesting so much natural light, and a spectacular view.

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Sunday, May 2, 2010


Ipod Speaker Dock Shelf

I have a love hate relationship with speakers. The sound has to be perfect but they need to be heard and not seen. Especially with Ipod docks they take so much room on a desk and don't even get me started about wires. This Ipod Dock solves all the problems above, however not sure about sound quality but in the $500 plus range it should sound decent. Available as well in a bevy of designer finishes.

Official Site

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